overrun effect
Date of Issue 2011-12-26
The famous American writer Mark Twain was once in a church, listening to a pastor speech. Initially, he felt very good about the priest’s speech, people moved and he was ready to contribute. After 10 minutes, he was a bit impatient, and decided to just donate some change. After another 10 minutes, he decided not to donate 1 cent. Waiting until the pastor finally ended a lengthy speech, collection started, then Mark Twain was angry: he did not donate money, moreover he stole 2$ from the plate.

Too much and too strong stimulation for too long, causes impatience. This is a psychological phenomenon known as "gauge effect."

Gauge effects often occurred in family education. For example, when children make mistakes, parents will once, twice, three, even four or five times repeat the same criticism for the same thing, so children will evolve from anxiety and guilt to impatient and even offensive nuisance. Repeating the same message too often causes psychological and behavioral resistance.

Should the child make a mistake, only one criticism should be given by the mother. If criticism is required the 2nd time, she should not simply repeat, but try another angle, another way. In this way, the child will not feel being "grabbed" for the same mistakes. Reverse psychology will also work.
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