labeling effect
Date of Issue 2011-01-13
During World War II, the United States lack the troops and the war they do need a group of soldiers. Thus, the United States ** decided to organize the inmates in prison on the front line fighting. To this end, the United States Some psychological experts on mission of the prisoners before the war, training and mobilization, and with them went to fight in the war.

Psychology experts during the training period is not too much for them to lecture, and special emphasis on the most prisoners per week to their parents who wrote a letter. Contents of the letter prepared by psychologists uniform, describing the prisoners in prison, how the performance is good, how to turn over a new leaf and so on. The experts asked to send the prisoners after carefully copying their dearest. Three months later, the prisoners marched to the front, the experts have to inmates write letters to their loved ones how to obey the command of their own, and how brave and so on. Result, these prisoners on the battlefield to the performance of no less than the regular army, they fight as they said in the letter as obeying the command, so brave struggle. Later, psychologists put this phenomenon is called "labeling effect", also called the implied effect on psychology.

The psychological law of education in the family has an extremely important role. For example, if we always kid shouted "stupid", "pig", "how stupid", "Even such a simple subject will not do" such a long time, the child might have become what we call "stupid."

Therefore, the mother had to quit laughing shame, blame the complaint, the threats and other languages, the use of motivational language, many children posted on a positive label.
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